A Meeting of NGOs

Sharing the following from the Instagram of Projetos Sociais Estação Vida, our partner NGO in Brazil. English translation follows the Portuguese.

Nossa última semana ficou marcada pela realização do "Encontro de Organizações Sociais Parceiras 2022", do Instituto Algar, uma grande oportunidade de fortalecer laços, compartilhar experiências e unir forças com parceiros que nos ajudam a transformar vidas. 

O evento teve a participação de representantes de 11 OSCs que, juntas, atendem aproximadamente 2 mil crianças e adolescentes por meio do Programa Transforma.

Ao longo da programação, tivemos palestras sobre o ECA (Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente), ministrada pela Conselheira Tutelar Bianca Cardoso; Captação de Recursos e Escrita de Projetos, pela gestora de Projetos Sociais, Rose; e uma oficina de Marketing de Causa e ferramenta Canva, pela Benjamin Consultoria.

Our last week was marked by the holding of the "Meeting of Social Organizations Partners 2022", by Instituto Algar, a great opportunity to strengthen ties, share experiences and join forces with partners who help us transform lives. 

Our last week was marked by the holding of the "Meeting of Social Organizations Partners 2022", by Instituto Algar, a great opportunity to strengthen ties, share experiences and join forces with partners who help us transform lives. 

The event was attended by representatives of 11 CSOs that, together, serve approximately 2,000 children and adolescents through the Transforma Program.

Throughout the program, we had lectures on the ECA (Child and Adolescent Statute), given by Child Protection Counselor Bianca Cardoso; Fundraising and Project Writing, by Social Projects manager, Rose; and a Cause Marketing workshop and Canva tool, by Benjamin Consultoria.

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