The Banking Blocker
The search for a bank continues! One of the final pieces of the puzzle to get started in carrying out our mission to support the work of Projetos Sociais Estação Vida is proving to be the hardest to sort out. Months ago we thought it would be US Bank that would provide an account at an affordable rate, until it turned out that the nearest branch office is located in Ohio (we're in New Jersey!). Magyar Bank was another option that looked good, as a small local community bank, but they mysteriously declined to work with us with no further explanation. Hopefully this matter will be resolved soon and we can start raising funds.
The community center in Uberlândia has reopened to a certain extent, with safety precautions in place. Below is a video from a recent visit made by representatives of a law office to help celebrate Children's Day. Brazilian Children's Day is October 12, so this commemoration was a little early, and surely welcomed by the kids.